Dental Health and Your Body

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Dental Health and Your Body

What happens in the mouth has a significant relationship to your overall health. Actually, the mouth is a reflection of what is happening in your body. We have learned that disease often begins in the digestion, but, are finding that it actually begins in the mouth. The pathogenic bacteria on your teeth and on your gums do not remain above the neck. They travel through your bloodstream, affecting your entire body. The oral microbiome affects your gut microbiome which is linked to your brain microbiome, through the gut-brain axis. So, how is your oral hygiene? Dysbiosis in your mouth leads to an imbalance of bacteria in the body which can affect the lungs and the heart and even lead to cancer or diabetes.


In 1917, Dr. Weston Price, Dentist, researched the relationship between the diet, dental cavities, crowded teeth, and disease in the body. He found that natives, in villages throughout the world, rarely had cavities, distorted teeth, or the diseases that we consider to be normal. Their diets were high in plant minerals and processed foods were almost non-existent.

So, why does the incidence of chronic disease in North America keep rising?

Standard dental care involves home brushing and flossing, then office cleaning by a hygienist, drilling to fill cavities, root canals, bridges, implants, and, when all else fails, extractions. Unfortunately, for decades, this has led to some pretty disastrous consequences.


Let’s jump in and examine these dental techniques:


Home oral care is great, if we do it consistently and properly. If we don’t, the dental plaque, or biofilm, builds up. We all know how to brush, but there is often confusion as to which direction to employ, i.e., up and down or side to side and whether to use a soft or a hard brush or an electric toothbrush that sounds like a concrete drill. Some of us floss daily and some only for the week before our dental appointment. We only know if we are doing a good job if our dentist tells us that all is ok.


Mercury fillings have been the gold standard for decades. These fillings are actually 25-50% mercury, a much higher content than the fish we are warned not to eat. Mercury is put right next to our brains, stays in the body, and is a neurotoxin causing fatigue, neck pain, digestion issues, cognitive issues, nerve damage, and memory loss. The symptoms of mercury toxicity and Alzheimer’s Disease are identical. Many countries have banned its use, while in North America, we have been advised to avoid it for children and pregnant women. Improper removal of mercury amalgams can result in mercury poisoning to both the dentist and the patient.


Root Canals are the only procedure that leaves dead tissue tightly sealed inside your body. The nerve is removed, the tooth is cleaned up, as best as possible, but what about the remaining microbes? The surrounding area is impossible to fill in or clean completely. If there is a problem, like infection, you don’t know because the nerve is no longer there to warn you by causing pain. Each time you chew on a failed root canal, you are spreading infection throughout your body. Studies have shown a high incidence of breast cancer and heart disease caused by mouth infections.


A bridge connects two teeth, when the middle tooth has been extracted. We are pretty hard on our teeth and eventually you may lose one of those teeth that are holding the bridge or develop a cavity that can’t be seen by standard x-ray because it is beneath the bridge.


Dental implants will keep the teeth in place and make chewing comfortable but can result in infection, problems with the jaw, nerve damage, and damage to the surrounding bone. There is also a problem with the material that has been used for years. Titanium was a great solution for a very long time, but since it is now being used for hip and knee replacements, some people are becoming sensitive to it, causing many unpleasant side effects. WIFI and 5G networks can heat up as they pass through metal devices, like titanium, causing sparking and destroying the bone around the implants. Zirconia, which is not a metal, is now seen as the best alternative for dental implants.


Every tooth is related to an acupuncture meridian, therefore needed for proper energy flow throughout the body. Improper tooth extractions can result in cavitations – a hole or infection in the surrounding bone – a silent infection and a source of systemic inflammation. These need to be addressed. They can only be seen by a 3-dimensional cone x-ray that is usually found only at the office of a biological dentist. It also will show an infection or problem in an old root canal or beneath a bridge.


So how do we keep our teeth and our body healthy?

  • See a biological dentist in a mercury-free office
    • Biological dentists realize the important of removing the toxicity and inflammation allowing the body, in its wisdom, to heal itself
    • They will support your immune system throughout your treatments and remove anything that is harming you
    • They use ozone water to clean the area after extractions
    • They use the SMART method when removing mercury amalgams
  • Chew your food 40-60 times, where it is mixed with saliva and broken down, for proper digestion
  • Brush your teeth with a soft brush, sweeping down, away from the gum using a small vibrating motion and take your time – at least 5 minutes – once or twice a day
  • Use a clean non-toxic toothpaste or tooth powder or make your own
  • Clean your tongue
  • Avoid mouth rinses – they are full of alcohol that dry your mouth and don’t kill off the bad bacteria, using instead, a simple sea salt rinse
  • Avoid antimicrobial products – they kill off the good and the bad and disturb the diversity of our microbiome
  • Do not use products containing fluoride – they do nothing for your teeth but cause problems with your thyroid and make your teeth and bones brittle
  • Xylitol is a poison for your microbiome yet found in many organic toothpastes
  • Increase your mineral intake – strong teeth require a lot of minerals, like your bones – fat soluble vitamins, and Vitamin D3 and K1 & K2 (important for calcium metabolism)
  • Drainage support, like the UNDA numbers
  • Avoid sugar and ultra-processed foods, resulting in inflammation and altering the gut microbiome; but if you have a sugary treat, brush immediately afterwards
  • Fermented foods, like Kimchi or Sauerkraut, to improve your microbiome’s diversity & immune function
  • Diet – a plant based or Mediterranean diet, not our North American SAD diet
  • Exercise
  • Improved sleep
  • Spend time in nature


Take care of your teeth and they will take care of you.


For more information:


Dental Health Matters Webinar


What Are You Putting in Your Mouth

Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

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mirror mirror on the wall | NPP Webinars Blog | Skin The infamous “Mirror Mirror on the wall”, from the Snow White fable, is actually reflecting what is happening internally. It is a window into our state of health.


The skin is the body’s largest organ. It is our barrier to the outside world and protects us from invading pathogens, like parasites, virus, fungus, or yeast, and damage by chemicals, preservatives, and toxic skin care products. Aging skin indicates that there are problems with our skin barrier. As the relationship with our internal microbes changes, there is an impact on aging and onset of chronic disease. We end up losing the barrier function of the skin and driving systemic inflammation.


A skin that is inflamed with acne, eczema, psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and more, are all signs that the skin is unhealthy, and, you can be certain, so is our internal body. These annoying skin issues are actually a risk factor for chronic disease. In order to look our best on the outside, we need to be healthy on the inside.


Things That Impact Our Skin Health:

  • Washing our face and body using soaps with parabens and pthalates, linked to hormone imbalances, cancers, respiratory issues, and more
  • Anti-bacterial products that kill off the good bacteria and strip the oil mantle
  • Hand/alcohol sanitizers which kill off the protective layer of the skin on our hands
  • Too many chemical peels – anything “chemical” is a red flag and not pro health
  • Toxic skin care cleansers and lotions that imbalance the skin’s microbiome
  • Hand sanitizers, mouthwash, dandruff shampoos, cortisone, soaps, and even the detergents that we use to wash our clothes and linens. All of these things touch and are absorbed by our skin.
  • In general, hormones, genetics, environment, cosmetics, personal care and household products, diet, stress, lifestyle, immune function, and gut health all impact our skin


Chemical skin care products and many esthetic treatments actually dry out our skin. The decrease in hydration and the shift in microbes signal the immune system to trigger an inflammatory response. This causes further aging and loss of skin barrier. The skin loses its resilience and the ability to protect itself from stress, the environment, and the blue light coming from the sun and our electronic devices.


Many of our personal care products disrupt the pH balance of our skin. A proper skin pH prevents fungal and yeast overgrowth and the free radicals that accelerate the aging process. Neither too acidic nor too alkalinic is prime for our skin, so as not to disturb the skin barrier. The pH of our skin should be around 5. If your products are not the right pH, you may experience redness, flakiness, wrinkles, or breakouts. A pH balanced skin maintains its youthful state; hydrated, glowing, and supple.


Our Skin Microbiome and Dysbiosis

We have up to 1000 species of microbes on our skin, more than its total number of skin cells. The majority of the bacteria are resident microbes on the skin which are beneficial or, at least, harmless. About 20% are transient and attach themselves to our skin as we have contact with people, pets, fabrics, surfaces, or chemicals; anything that we touch or put on our skin or into our mouths. If our immune system is healthy, many of these have no residual effects.


A major cause of all skin issues is dysbiosis – the imbalance of our skin microbiome. Yes, our skin has its own microbiome, similar to the gut microbiome and the oral microbiome. We have been led to believe that aging skin is simply due to getting older. It is actually accelerated by the environment, our skin care products, and the lifestyle and diet choices that we make. As the microbiome community of the skin changes, we see changes in our face and throughout our body. We are constantly disrupting the microbiome on our skin.


A healthy skin microbiome prevents the overgrowth of pathogens and toxic production meaning lower levels of inflammation. This means that the skin will be able to repair itself. The dead layer turns over and new fresh cells come up. The skin glows, maintains moisture and a strong barrier, is resistant to pathogens, and looks healthy. We need the oils on our skin. They trap the toxins that come through the environment leaving our skin moist.


The health of the skin is connected to the health of our body. This includes bone, cardiovascular, kidney, and brain health. Unhealthy skin has been found to be a factor in most age-related chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Type 2 Diabetes, and Cardiovascular disease. The solution is not found in the latest and very expensive skin cream or esthetic treatment. We need to protect our skin, not with a cream that makes it look healthy, but make it genuinely healthy by cleaning up internally and balancing our skin microbiome.


It’s All About the Terrain – Our Internal Environment


The cause of all dysbiosis is a toxic terrain, one that supports the growth of the bad bugs. Dysbiosis is the overgrowth of pathogens that produce toxins and recruit an immune response, which results in inflammation. This results in red, sensitive, and irritated skin which is prone to eczema and acne, and the slow turnover of damaged skin cells resulting in dull, thin skin and an unhealthy appearance. Pathogenic bacteria and toxins drive the inflammatory response causing dry and irritated skin.


The body is self-healing and self-regulating but toxicity will eventually block enzyme systems at the cellular level, preventing the cell from functioning normally. Fasts only clean the external part of the cell but do not go deep enough.


How Does the Body Tell Us That There is a Problem?

The body communicates with symptoms. Symptoms indicate that something is wrong – out of balance. Unfortunately, we usually interpret these signals as things that we need to make disappear. We want to shut them up with medication, creams, ointments, and things that suppress them, but, alas, we end up pushing them deeper into our body, causing disease. The problem is not the rash or the acne, but what has intoxicated the body and what the body is desperately trying to eliminate. Unfortunately, if we don’t take heed, the end result is imbalance, followed by pathology.


Strategies for Healing

  • Biotherapeutic Drainage: Our major exit routes are the liver and the kidneys. Once they are clogged, the toxins start to come out through the skin. Drainage, using complex homeopathic remedies, opens the body’s exit routes, our emunctories, that are safe for the removal of toxins.
  • Rebalancing the skin microbiome. This is where probiotics come in. My favourite professional products are HMF Forte and HMF Intensive by Genestra and HSP Complete 50 by Integrity Health Naturals.
  • Hydration: 8-10 glasses of good quality water, preferably Reverse Osmosis
  • Sleep: 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night
  • Good Fats: Efamol Primrose Oil – a major protector of the skin – and other essential fatty acids
  • And more…


For more information about the skin and healing protocols to improve skin health by cleaning up the terrain, eliminating the toxins, and rebalancing the skin microbiome, check out our NPP Skin Webinar:

Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program
*Audio for those in need or who prefer to listen to our blogs: 


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EFT Tapping Blog | Emotional Freedom Technique | NPP Webinars | Nutritional Preceptorship Programs

Imagine how it would feel to rid ourselves of triggers that cause us to react to uncomfortable situations with angry words that are blurted out and that we later regret. These often come from childhood traumas (big T and little t). As children, we didn’t have the vocabulary or the permission to express our feelings. Remember this one? “Children should be seen and not heard”.


Each of us has stored, unexpressed, and unresolved anger deep within our subconscious. We aren’t even aware that it is there, until we explode verbally, or even physically, in an inappropriate manner. It may even present with physiological symptoms; anything from a cold or flu to a full blown autoimmune disease. This intense emotion can cause constant feelings of low-level anxiety, fears that limit us, or even thoughts that make us feel unworthy or “not good enough”.


During stressful periods, the amygdala, the survival portion of our brain, our Sympathetic Nervous System, is activated and puts us into a fight or flight mode. It was designed to protect and keep us safe, as it did centuries ago, if we were being chased by a tiger in the wild. It was supposed to be activated temporarily, only when we found ourselves in dangerous situations. But, today, we are bombarded with news reports of climate change, the economy, wars throughout the world, compounded by our own daily worries regarding health, financial, and family issues. This causes the amygdala to remain vigilant most of the time, keeping us in a constant state of stress. This anxious state makes it difficult to access our prefrontal cortex, the intelligence portion of the brain. It limits us while writing a test or exam, delivering a presentation, or when trying to find a solution to a problem. The blood leaves the brain and rushes to our extremities, allowing us to fight or run away. The brain’s first order of business is always to keep us alive.


So how do you send a calming signal to the brain to let it know that you are ok? There is an easy, portable, and free solution. Something that you can do any time of day and/or night that will begin to quiet the voice in your head, your ego, that tells you that you’re unsafe or not enough. It is called Tapping, EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique. There have been hundreds of studies proving the validity of Tapping. It is said to “affect the body’s biochemistry such as immunity and blood pressure”, even the brain, and decrease cortisol levels, elevated by stress. You begin to feel better, have increased energy, sleep is improved, and fear and anxiety are diminished. Tapping puts us back into the Parasympathetic Nervous System, our state of rest, digest, and reset.


During each tapping session, begin by selecting one issue like anger, poor sleep, fear, pain, illness, or present or past bad memories. Be as specific as possible. Give it an emotional rating of 0-10, with 10 being the strongest or worst. When at a high number, it is almost impossible to bring the level down simply by self-talk. Tapping will lower your emotional level and allow you to begin to see things differently.


If finding the words is difficult for you, try writing down all the things that upset you that day and tap on the words written on that piece of paper. Or, begin with a physical issue, as if you are complaining to your best friend. If your traumas frighten you or seem unmanageable, try working with an EFT Practitioner.


During each session, start with where you are right now. Rate the emotion or issue out of 10. Begin by tapping on the side of the hand, the karate chop, repeating your phrase 3 times. Each phrase will begin with something that is negative and end with acceptance or something hopeful, like the following phrases:


“Even though I behaved badly today, I thoroughly love and accept myself”.

“Even though I wasn’t kind to my friend, I deeply and completely accept myself”.

“Even though my back is killing me, I choose to relax and feel my body heal”.

“Even though I am stressed about my finances, I give myself permission to relax.”

“Even though I feel very angry, I choose peace and calm.”

“Even though I am feeling all of this anxiety, I acknowledge and accept how I am feeling.”


Next, tap 8-10 times (or whatever feels comfortable) on each of the following meridian points. State “the limiting belief” and tap, using your index and middle fingers.


Inside of the brow – “Sleep”

Side of the eye – “I need sleep”

Under the eye – “I am so tired”

Under the nose – “I haven’t slept in days”

On the Chin (in the crease) – “why can’t I sleep”

On the collar bone – an inch below the bone, in the soft tissue – “I want to sleep”

Under the arm – mid bra line or one hand width below the armpit – “Is something worrying me?”

On top of the head – in a straight line, in a circle, or in the middle – “I need to sleep”.


Keep tapping for a few rounds. When you feel complete, stop and take a deep breath in through the nose and breathe out through the nose. Notice if you are taking deeper breaths. Is your breathing slower, calmer, and more even? Rate your issue. If the number has come down, you are headed in the right direction. If you are not at a 0, 1, or 2, repeat, beginning again with the Karate Chop, repeating your phrase 3x and then tapping on the points. Or, if a more pressing thought has come up, rate and then tap on the new thought. Always begin with the Karate Chop point.


I find it helpful to tap a few rounds on what is bothering me and end each tapping session with a turn-about by changing to positive phrases. For example, “I am ready to sleep”; “my sleep is improving”; etc. End each set by taking a deep breath in and then breathing out. Remember to rate your issue from 0-10 before and after each tapping session.


You can tap in a circle, in a line, or just by holding each point. You can speak out loud or think the words in your head. You can tap with one hand or both hands. It is important to begin with tapping 3x on the side of the hand so that the issue is clearly defined, followed by tapping on the meridian points as many times as needed. Begin with the negative and, if beneficial for you, end with the positive.


A great support is to download the APP: The Tapping Solution created by Alex, Nick, and Jessica Ortner. Many of the tapping sessions are free. You can also purchase a yearly subscription, in order to access the locked sessions. They offer free Tapping Challenges throughout the year. Alex has also written a book for children, “Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs: A Tapping Solution Children’s Story” helping kids to be comfortable with being themselves. Last spring, I even taught my 5-year-old grandson to tap. Whenever he got upset, I would begin to tap on him and he would start to giggle and forget about what upset him in the first place.


My last piece of advice is to make this a daily habit. It can only work if you use it. Tap every night, before bed, putting you into a perfect state of calm for sleep. Kickstart your day, on a positive note, by incorporating a morning tapping routine. In just a few moments, it will boost your mood and elevate your energy levels, giving you a sense of empowerment and allowing you the emotional freedom to be yourself.



Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program

*Audio for those in need or who prefer to listen to our blogs: 

Eczema Podcast

Excema Podcast | Abb Tai Interview with Gilda Rovan Holistic Nutritionist Are your drainage pathways congested? Your body’s terrain and level of toxicity impact your skin. How can we open the routes of elimination in a gentle and safe manner? How do your liver and kidneys impact your skin? Does an imbalance in bacteria, aka Dysbiosis, affect your skin? Is there a difference between Drainage and Detoxification?



30 Minute Interview with Gilda Rovan by Abby Tai 

Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program

Host Review of Gilda’s Interview on Eczema


“Gilda did a great job of presenting the eczema webinar. She used a well-rounded approach and provided a lot of information on how to heal eczema from the inside out – rather than just using a topical approach to healing the skin. She also explained different supplements in lots of detail and how they can help the skin heal – which is very important to support the healing process.”


Abby Tai – 

Learn more about Eczema from Abby Lai

Digestion, Immune System, & The Microbiome

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Digestion Immune System and the MicrobiomeIn North America, many of us are obsessed with cleanliness. Actually, we need to be exposed to bacteria, fungi, and viruses in order to have a healthy, strong immune system. By killing off our good bacteria with antibiotics, stress, cortisone, and chlorinated drinking water, we leave the field wide open to pathogenic, dangerous bacteria. Too many hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial soaps can change our PH and, in turn, mess with our immunological balance. Also, chemicals in plastics, cosmetics and clothing may negatively affect our microbiome which in turn affects the integrity of the small and large intestines.


The Human Microbiome consists of a collection of trillions of tiny microorganisms that make up who we are. They are part of us, not an addition to us. They help the body digest food and nutrients that the stomach is unable to digest. They also help in the production of some vitamins, like B and K. They program our immune system which needs their bacteria to teach it to function properly – to identify which should be there and which should not and then capture and destroy the bad guys. Even viruses living in our microbiome help to establish immunity against new and more dangerous viruses belonging to the same family. Our immune system takes care of most of our colds and flues in a way that actually causes the symptoms that we experience. The more diverse our immune system is, the smarter will be its reaction. When our microbiome is in balance, all is well. If disrupted, the lining of the gut becomes more porous allowing absorption of poisons, bacteria and viruses.


The majority of our microbiome is found in the digestive system; in particular, in the intestines. Our intestines include tight junctions that prevent the harmful bacteria from entering the body’s cells. When these junctions are weakened, as in the case of leaky gut, autoimmune diseases and allergies may arise. Stress, antibiotics, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, processed and fried foods, and hydrogenated and trans fats weaken these barriers. Probiotics, particularly acidophilus, good, clean water, foods high in fibre, and also sauerkraut, pineapple, bone broth, onion, garlic and kimchi strengthens these junctions by restoring the normal flora. New research is telling us that gut microbiome may also affect our central nervous system and brain health. The gut and its organisms have even been referred to as our “second brain” having the same grey matter as found in the brain.


The Immune System and the Microbiome go hand in hand. Dysbiosis, ie pathogenic bacteria that are out of control, create a persistent imbalance in this microbial community, and are implicated in IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis, skin issues like rosacea, eczema, and acne, and in most, if not all, autoimmune diseases. Dysbiosis is also involved in gut issues like bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and/or heartburn. Once we clean up the terrain, the bugs will begin to live in harmony.


Change the terrain that supports and feeds the bugs. Don’t focus on the bugs! In order to enhance the immune system, change the environment that supports the growth of these pathogenic organisms. Sugar and a diet high in carbohydrates create a welcoming home for them. Sugar also lowers immunity by 80% for 2-5 hours after it is consumed. If the terrain is filled with toxic material and undigested food, that is where you will find the bugs.


Begin to make the changes that will bring the body back into balance. Drink abundant quantities of clean water, eat organic fruits and vegetables, fibre, fermented foods, and good quality protein. Eliminate all GMO foods. Stop consuming foods that you are allergic to, lower your stress levels, and get adequate sleep. Take good care of your microbiome and it will take care of you for many years to come.

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