Dental Health and Your Body

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Dental Health and Your Body

What happens in the mouth has a significant relationship to your overall health. Actually, the mouth is a reflection of what is happening in your body. We have learned that disease often begins in the digestion, but, are finding that it actually begins in the mouth. The pathogenic bacteria on your teeth and on your gums do not remain above the neck. They travel through your bloodstream, affecting your entire body. The oral microbiome affects your gut microbiome which is linked to your brain microbiome, through the gut-brain axis. So, how is your oral hygiene? Dysbiosis in your mouth leads to an imbalance of bacteria in the body which can affect the lungs and the heart and even lead to cancer or diabetes.


In 1917, Dr. Weston Price, Dentist, researched the relationship between the diet, dental cavities, crowded teeth, and disease in the body. He found that natives, in villages throughout the world, rarely had cavities, distorted teeth, or the diseases that we consider to be normal. Their diets were high in plant minerals and processed foods were almost non-existent.

So, why does the incidence of chronic disease in North America keep rising?

Standard dental care involves home brushing and flossing, then office cleaning by a hygienist, drilling to fill cavities, root canals, bridges, implants, and, when all else fails, extractions. Unfortunately, for decades, this has led to some pretty disastrous consequences.


Let’s jump in and examine these dental techniques:


Home oral care is great, if we do it consistently and properly. If we don’t, the dental plaque, or biofilm, builds up. We all know how to brush, but there is often confusion as to which direction to employ, i.e., up and down or side to side and whether to use a soft or a hard brush or an electric toothbrush that sounds like a concrete drill. Some of us floss daily and some only for the week before our dental appointment. We only know if we are doing a good job if our dentist tells us that all is ok.


Mercury fillings have been the gold standard for decades. These fillings are actually 25-50% mercury, a much higher content than the fish we are warned not to eat. Mercury is put right next to our brains, stays in the body, and is a neurotoxin causing fatigue, neck pain, digestion issues, cognitive issues, nerve damage, and memory loss. The symptoms of mercury toxicity and Alzheimer’s Disease are identical. Many countries have banned its use, while in North America, we have been advised to avoid it for children and pregnant women. Improper removal of mercury amalgams can result in mercury poisoning to both the dentist and the patient.


Root Canals are the only procedure that leaves dead tissue tightly sealed inside your body. The nerve is removed, the tooth is cleaned up, as best as possible, but what about the remaining microbes? The surrounding area is impossible to fill in or clean completely. If there is a problem, like infection, you don’t know because the nerve is no longer there to warn you by causing pain. Each time you chew on a failed root canal, you are spreading infection throughout your body. Studies have shown a high incidence of breast cancer and heart disease caused by mouth infections.


A bridge connects two teeth, when the middle tooth has been extracted. We are pretty hard on our teeth and eventually you may lose one of those teeth that are holding the bridge or develop a cavity that can’t be seen by standard x-ray because it is beneath the bridge.


Dental implants will keep the teeth in place and make chewing comfortable but can result in infection, problems with the jaw, nerve damage, and damage to the surrounding bone. There is also a problem with the material that has been used for years. Titanium was a great solution for a very long time, but since it is now being used for hip and knee replacements, some people are becoming sensitive to it, causing many unpleasant side effects. WIFI and 5G networks can heat up as they pass through metal devices, like titanium, causing sparking and destroying the bone around the implants. Zirconia, which is not a metal, is now seen as the best alternative for dental implants.


Every tooth is related to an acupuncture meridian, therefore needed for proper energy flow throughout the body. Improper tooth extractions can result in cavitations – a hole or infection in the surrounding bone – a silent infection and a source of systemic inflammation. These need to be addressed. They can only be seen by a 3-dimensional cone x-ray that is usually found only at the office of a biological dentist. It also will show an infection or problem in an old root canal or beneath a bridge.


So how do we keep our teeth and our body healthy?

  • See a biological dentist in a mercury-free office
    • Biological dentists realize the important of removing the toxicity and inflammation allowing the body, in its wisdom, to heal itself
    • They will support your immune system throughout your treatments and remove anything that is harming you
    • They use ozone water to clean the area after extractions
    • They use the SMART method when removing mercury amalgams
  • Chew your food 40-60 times, where it is mixed with saliva and broken down, for proper digestion
  • Brush your teeth with a soft brush, sweeping down, away from the gum using a small vibrating motion and take your time – at least 5 minutes – once or twice a day
  • Use a clean non-toxic toothpaste or tooth powder or make your own
  • Clean your tongue
  • Avoid mouth rinses – they are full of alcohol that dry your mouth and don’t kill off the bad bacteria, using instead, a simple sea salt rinse
  • Avoid antimicrobial products – they kill off the good and the bad and disturb the diversity of our microbiome
  • Do not use products containing fluoride – they do nothing for your teeth but cause problems with your thyroid and make your teeth and bones brittle
  • Xylitol is a poison for your microbiome yet found in many organic toothpastes
  • Increase your mineral intake – strong teeth require a lot of minerals, like your bones – fat soluble vitamins, and Vitamin D3 and K1 & K2 (important for calcium metabolism)
  • Drainage support, like the UNDA numbers
  • Avoid sugar and ultra-processed foods, resulting in inflammation and altering the gut microbiome; but if you have a sugary treat, brush immediately afterwards
  • Fermented foods, like Kimchi or Sauerkraut, to improve your microbiome’s diversity & immune function
  • Diet – a plant based or Mediterranean diet, not our North American SAD diet
  • Exercise
  • Improved sleep
  • Spend time in nature


Take care of your teeth and they will take care of you.


For more information:


Dental Health Matters Webinar


What Are You Putting in Your Mouth

Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

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mirror mirror on the wall | NPP Webinars Blog | Skin The infamous “Mirror Mirror on the wall”, from the Snow White fable, is actually reflecting what is happening internally. It is a window into our state of health.


The skin is the body’s largest organ. It is our barrier to the outside world and protects us from invading pathogens, like parasites, virus, fungus, or yeast, and damage by chemicals, preservatives, and toxic skin care products. Aging skin indicates that there are problems with our skin barrier. As the relationship with our internal microbes changes, there is an impact on aging and onset of chronic disease. We end up losing the barrier function of the skin and driving systemic inflammation.


A skin that is inflamed with acne, eczema, psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and more, are all signs that the skin is unhealthy, and, you can be certain, so is our internal body. These annoying skin issues are actually a risk factor for chronic disease. In order to look our best on the outside, we need to be healthy on the inside.


Things That Impact Our Skin Health:

  • Washing our face and body using soaps with parabens and pthalates, linked to hormone imbalances, cancers, respiratory issues, and more
  • Anti-bacterial products that kill off the good bacteria and strip the oil mantle
  • Hand/alcohol sanitizers which kill off the protective layer of the skin on our hands
  • Too many chemical peels – anything “chemical” is a red flag and not pro health
  • Toxic skin care cleansers and lotions that imbalance the skin’s microbiome
  • Hand sanitizers, mouthwash, dandruff shampoos, cortisone, soaps, and even the detergents that we use to wash our clothes and linens. All of these things touch and are absorbed by our skin.
  • In general, hormones, genetics, environment, cosmetics, personal care and household products, diet, stress, lifestyle, immune function, and gut health all impact our skin


Chemical skin care products and many esthetic treatments actually dry out our skin. The decrease in hydration and the shift in microbes signal the immune system to trigger an inflammatory response. This causes further aging and loss of skin barrier. The skin loses its resilience and the ability to protect itself from stress, the environment, and the blue light coming from the sun and our electronic devices.


Many of our personal care products disrupt the pH balance of our skin. A proper skin pH prevents fungal and yeast overgrowth and the free radicals that accelerate the aging process. Neither too acidic nor too alkalinic is prime for our skin, so as not to disturb the skin barrier. The pH of our skin should be around 5. If your products are not the right pH, you may experience redness, flakiness, wrinkles, or breakouts. A pH balanced skin maintains its youthful state; hydrated, glowing, and supple.


Our Skin Microbiome and Dysbiosis

We have up to 1000 species of microbes on our skin, more than its total number of skin cells. The majority of the bacteria are resident microbes on the skin which are beneficial or, at least, harmless. About 20% are transient and attach themselves to our skin as we have contact with people, pets, fabrics, surfaces, or chemicals; anything that we touch or put on our skin or into our mouths. If our immune system is healthy, many of these have no residual effects.


A major cause of all skin issues is dysbiosis – the imbalance of our skin microbiome. Yes, our skin has its own microbiome, similar to the gut microbiome and the oral microbiome. We have been led to believe that aging skin is simply due to getting older. It is actually accelerated by the environment, our skin care products, and the lifestyle and diet choices that we make. As the microbiome community of the skin changes, we see changes in our face and throughout our body. We are constantly disrupting the microbiome on our skin.


A healthy skin microbiome prevents the overgrowth of pathogens and toxic production meaning lower levels of inflammation. This means that the skin will be able to repair itself. The dead layer turns over and new fresh cells come up. The skin glows, maintains moisture and a strong barrier, is resistant to pathogens, and looks healthy. We need the oils on our skin. They trap the toxins that come through the environment leaving our skin moist.


The health of the skin is connected to the health of our body. This includes bone, cardiovascular, kidney, and brain health. Unhealthy skin has been found to be a factor in most age-related chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Type 2 Diabetes, and Cardiovascular disease. The solution is not found in the latest and very expensive skin cream or esthetic treatment. We need to protect our skin, not with a cream that makes it look healthy, but make it genuinely healthy by cleaning up internally and balancing our skin microbiome.


It’s All About the Terrain – Our Internal Environment


The cause of all dysbiosis is a toxic terrain, one that supports the growth of the bad bugs. Dysbiosis is the overgrowth of pathogens that produce toxins and recruit an immune response, which results in inflammation. This results in red, sensitive, and irritated skin which is prone to eczema and acne, and the slow turnover of damaged skin cells resulting in dull, thin skin and an unhealthy appearance. Pathogenic bacteria and toxins drive the inflammatory response causing dry and irritated skin.


The body is self-healing and self-regulating but toxicity will eventually block enzyme systems at the cellular level, preventing the cell from functioning normally. Fasts only clean the external part of the cell but do not go deep enough.


How Does the Body Tell Us That There is a Problem?

The body communicates with symptoms. Symptoms indicate that something is wrong – out of balance. Unfortunately, we usually interpret these signals as things that we need to make disappear. We want to shut them up with medication, creams, ointments, and things that suppress them, but, alas, we end up pushing them deeper into our body, causing disease. The problem is not the rash or the acne, but what has intoxicated the body and what the body is desperately trying to eliminate. Unfortunately, if we don’t take heed, the end result is imbalance, followed by pathology.


Strategies for Healing

  • Biotherapeutic Drainage: Our major exit routes are the liver and the kidneys. Once they are clogged, the toxins start to come out through the skin. Drainage, using complex homeopathic remedies, opens the body’s exit routes, our emunctories, that are safe for the removal of toxins.
  • Rebalancing the skin microbiome. This is where probiotics come in. My favourite professional products are HMF Forte and HMF Intensive by Genestra and HSP Complete 50 by Integrity Health Naturals.
  • Hydration: 8-10 glasses of good quality water, preferably Reverse Osmosis
  • Sleep: 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night
  • Good Fats: Efamol Primrose Oil – a major protector of the skin – and other essential fatty acids
  • And more…


For more information about the skin and healing protocols to improve skin health by cleaning up the terrain, eliminating the toxins, and rebalancing the skin microbiome, check out our NPP Skin Webinar:

Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program
*Audio for those in need or who prefer to listen to our blogs: 


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EFT Tapping Blog | Emotional Freedom Technique | NPP Webinars | Nutritional Preceptorship Programs

Imagine how it would feel to rid ourselves of triggers that cause us to react to uncomfortable situations with angry words that are blurted out and that we later regret. These often come from childhood traumas (big T and little t). As children, we didn’t have the vocabulary or the permission to express our feelings. Remember this one? “Children should be seen and not heard”.


Each of us has stored, unexpressed, and unresolved anger deep within our subconscious. We aren’t even aware that it is there, until we explode verbally, or even physically, in an inappropriate manner. It may even present with physiological symptoms; anything from a cold or flu to a full blown autoimmune disease. This intense emotion can cause constant feelings of low-level anxiety, fears that limit us, or even thoughts that make us feel unworthy or “not good enough”.


During stressful periods, the amygdala, the survival portion of our brain, our Sympathetic Nervous System, is activated and puts us into a fight or flight mode. It was designed to protect and keep us safe, as it did centuries ago, if we were being chased by a tiger in the wild. It was supposed to be activated temporarily, only when we found ourselves in dangerous situations. But, today, we are bombarded with news reports of climate change, the economy, wars throughout the world, compounded by our own daily worries regarding health, financial, and family issues. This causes the amygdala to remain vigilant most of the time, keeping us in a constant state of stress. This anxious state makes it difficult to access our prefrontal cortex, the intelligence portion of the brain. It limits us while writing a test or exam, delivering a presentation, or when trying to find a solution to a problem. The blood leaves the brain and rushes to our extremities, allowing us to fight or run away. The brain’s first order of business is always to keep us alive.


So how do you send a calming signal to the brain to let it know that you are ok? There is an easy, portable, and free solution. Something that you can do any time of day and/or night that will begin to quiet the voice in your head, your ego, that tells you that you’re unsafe or not enough. It is called Tapping, EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique. There have been hundreds of studies proving the validity of Tapping. It is said to “affect the body’s biochemistry such as immunity and blood pressure”, even the brain, and decrease cortisol levels, elevated by stress. You begin to feel better, have increased energy, sleep is improved, and fear and anxiety are diminished. Tapping puts us back into the Parasympathetic Nervous System, our state of rest, digest, and reset.


During each tapping session, begin by selecting one issue like anger, poor sleep, fear, pain, illness, or present or past bad memories. Be as specific as possible. Give it an emotional rating of 0-10, with 10 being the strongest or worst. When at a high number, it is almost impossible to bring the level down simply by self-talk. Tapping will lower your emotional level and allow you to begin to see things differently.


If finding the words is difficult for you, try writing down all the things that upset you that day and tap on the words written on that piece of paper. Or, begin with a physical issue, as if you are complaining to your best friend. If your traumas frighten you or seem unmanageable, try working with an EFT Practitioner.


During each session, start with where you are right now. Rate the emotion or issue out of 10. Begin by tapping on the side of the hand, the karate chop, repeating your phrase 3 times. Each phrase will begin with something that is negative and end with acceptance or something hopeful, like the following phrases:


“Even though I behaved badly today, I thoroughly love and accept myself”.

“Even though I wasn’t kind to my friend, I deeply and completely accept myself”.

“Even though my back is killing me, I choose to relax and feel my body heal”.

“Even though I am stressed about my finances, I give myself permission to relax.”

“Even though I feel very angry, I choose peace and calm.”

“Even though I am feeling all of this anxiety, I acknowledge and accept how I am feeling.”


Next, tap 8-10 times (or whatever feels comfortable) on each of the following meridian points. State “the limiting belief” and tap, using your index and middle fingers.


Inside of the brow – “Sleep”

Side of the eye – “I need sleep”

Under the eye – “I am so tired”

Under the nose – “I haven’t slept in days”

On the Chin (in the crease) – “why can’t I sleep”

On the collar bone – an inch below the bone, in the soft tissue – “I want to sleep”

Under the arm – mid bra line or one hand width below the armpit – “Is something worrying me?”

On top of the head – in a straight line, in a circle, or in the middle – “I need to sleep”.


Keep tapping for a few rounds. When you feel complete, stop and take a deep breath in through the nose and breathe out through the nose. Notice if you are taking deeper breaths. Is your breathing slower, calmer, and more even? Rate your issue. If the number has come down, you are headed in the right direction. If you are not at a 0, 1, or 2, repeat, beginning again with the Karate Chop, repeating your phrase 3x and then tapping on the points. Or, if a more pressing thought has come up, rate and then tap on the new thought. Always begin with the Karate Chop point.


I find it helpful to tap a few rounds on what is bothering me and end each tapping session with a turn-about by changing to positive phrases. For example, “I am ready to sleep”; “my sleep is improving”; etc. End each set by taking a deep breath in and then breathing out. Remember to rate your issue from 0-10 before and after each tapping session.


You can tap in a circle, in a line, or just by holding each point. You can speak out loud or think the words in your head. You can tap with one hand or both hands. It is important to begin with tapping 3x on the side of the hand so that the issue is clearly defined, followed by tapping on the meridian points as many times as needed. Begin with the negative and, if beneficial for you, end with the positive.


A great support is to download the APP: The Tapping Solution created by Alex, Nick, and Jessica Ortner. Many of the tapping sessions are free. You can also purchase a yearly subscription, in order to access the locked sessions. They offer free Tapping Challenges throughout the year. Alex has also written a book for children, “Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs: A Tapping Solution Children’s Story” helping kids to be comfortable with being themselves. Last spring, I even taught my 5-year-old grandson to tap. Whenever he got upset, I would begin to tap on him and he would start to giggle and forget about what upset him in the first place.


My last piece of advice is to make this a daily habit. It can only work if you use it. Tap every night, before bed, putting you into a perfect state of calm for sleep. Kickstart your day, on a positive note, by incorporating a morning tapping routine. In just a few moments, it will boost your mood and elevate your energy levels, giving you a sense of empowerment and allowing you the emotional freedom to be yourself.



Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program

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Our Eyes – The Windows to Our Soul

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Eyes NPP Tip blog - Windows to the Soul | NPP Webinars | Nutritional Preceptorship ProgramHow many of us take our eyes and our eyesight for granted? This is usually the case, until we are faced with limited vision, or are diagnosed with an eye condition, like conjunctivitis, night blindness, dry eyes, blurred vision, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, or, most terrifying of all, blindness. Yet, the loss of our sight would impact our lives in countless ways.


Our aging population understands that vision disorders can limit us in terms of our mobility, independence, social interactions, activities such as reading, writing, and watching TV, and even the simple pleasure of enjoying a magnificent sunset or a clear blue sky. If our jobs centre around using a computer, we may no longer be able to work, thereby losing our primary income source.


As I notice changes in my own vision, I wonder if some are due to negative effects caused by the many hours that I spend on my computer, tablet, and/or smart phone each day. I definitely have experienced an increase in eye fatigue and eye strain.


Regular eye exams by qualified practitioners are essential. For me, it is important to know if any issues have surfaced so that I can jump into prevention mode, before a doctor tells me “I am sorry to say that you have….”.


I recently had an extremely thorough eye examination at a wonderful ophthalmology clinic near my home. They had renovated and added the latest eye testing equipment. I learned that I could benefit from different eye glass prescriptions depending on my activities. I don’t require glasses most of the time but, nevertheless, I now own four sets of glasses. These are not the drug store reading glasses that many of us have throughout our homes. Each pair has an individual prescription and/or a specific purpose.


For decades, I have had glasses for distance, necessary for driving my car or watching TV. Years later, I added a pair for attending seminars, so that I could look up at the PowerPoint presentation on the large screen and, at the same time, take notes. With these, the glass only covers my eyes when I look up or straight ahead. As I look down, I can clearly see my notebook or computer. Out of necessity, last year, reading glasses were added to my repertoire. But the real magic occurred when I recently purchased my fourth pair of glasses. This prescription is designed for use with my laptop, desktop, or tablet, while sitting further away than a book or closer than the television. I immediately noticed that my eyes no longer feel tired or strained while being online.


In order to protect these precious “windows to our soul”, there are many things that we can do, naturally.


Avoiding sugar, salt, saturated fat, fried foods, rancid foods and other sources of free radicals can decrease our risk of eye disease. Aging and environmental exposures are the usual culprits causing free radical damage in the body which can result in cell damage and a variety of eye diseases. They are caused by breathing in, being in contact with, and ingesting substances like cigarette smoke, chemicals, pesticides, household cleaners, cosmetics, and radiation from the sun itself.


Antioxidants, which protect us from free radical damage, have been shown in studies to prevent, or at least delay, age related macular degeneration and cataracts. Recommended foods would include leafy greens, yams, carrots, broccoli, a variety of highly coloured vegetables, fresh fruits, in particular citrus fruits and dark coloured berries. Primary antioxidants are Vitamins A, C, E, and the mineral, selenium.


Orange coloured fruit and vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and apricots are high in beta carotene which the body converts to Vitamin A and are important for the retina, the cornea, to enhance night vision and to prevent dry eyes. This conversion is more difficult with a sluggish thyroid so, in this case, Vitamin A supplementation could be very beneficial.


Vitamin C has been found to help strengthen the blood vessels in our eyes and may even lower our risk of cataracts. It is essential to help the body repair and grow new tissue. It is found in citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, and lemons and, also, in peaches, tomatoes, strawberries, and bell peppers.

Vitamin E keeps our cells healthy. It has been shown to help prevent age related macular degeneration and some studies have found it helpful in lowering the risk of developing cataracts. It is found in avocados, almonds, sunflower seeds, leafy greens, and extra virgin olive oil.


Vitamin D has been studied and seen to protect against age related issues like cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. It helps to heal the cornea, in case of injury, and it can help increase tear production. Sources include cod liver oil, salmon, sardines, beef liver, and egg yolks.


Glutathione is found in the lens of the eye and plays an important role in keeping it healthy. Glutathione levels may be raised by increasing our intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly asparagus, avocados, broccoli, carrots, cucumber, okra, and squash, preferably organic.


Omega 3 fatty acids are good for tear production and may reduce the risk of eye diseases later in life. Good sources are found in cold water fish like salmon, sardines, halibut, and trout.


Lutein and Zeaxanthin (pronounced Zee-uh-zan-thin) protect the retina from oxidative changes caused by ultraviolet light. They are found in eggs, leafy green vegetables, spinach, kale, peas, and broccoli.


And finally, getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night will help renew our eye health. While our eyes are tightly shut, we get improved moisture and a well-needed rest from the bright lights and radiation that assault us throughout the day. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily will help to reduce irritation caused by dry eyes. Washing our hands before touching our eyes and avoiding splashing tap water directly into our eyes can prevent severe eye infections. Warm compresses, using boiled water, can be very soothing and restorative.


If we take care of our eyes, our eyes will take care of us.


Have you heard of the 20-20-20 rule? Every 20 minutes, take a break and shift your eyes to focus on an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds!


Blinking keeps our eyes moist and helps prevent dry eyes. Staring at a tablet, computer, or phone, and even when reading a book, our blink rate drops significantly from 17-18 times per minute to 4 or 5 times per minute. We are drying out our eyes. Take breaks!


The importance of taking care of my eyes was clearly brought home to me recently, after receiving this email:


“Can You Enhance Your Blog Page?


Hello, I’ve been a reader of your website for around 4 months and I would like first of all to say that I really enjoy it. I have recently started having some problems with my eyes which affects my reading ability. Therefore, I have a favour to ask. Is it possible for you to add podcast audio versions of your articles on your website? It would be very useful for people like me or others who like to listen to your content.” – Patricia H.


Thank you Patricia for that brilliant idea. This was something I never thought about, which could be beneficial for many. So, I have begun to add an audio version to each of the Blogs on our NPP Tip page.


Our eyes are a reflection of what we are feeling and often communicate to others what we are thinking; our story. But, when we meditate, we close our eyes and turn our gaze inwards. Each time, we learn a little more about who we truly are; the true essence of our beings.

Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program










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Benefits of Pets

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Pet Blog | NPP Webinars | Nutritional Preceptorship Program


Is this the right time to adopt a puppy?


We lost our fur baby over three years ago. Our third pet had crossed over the rainbow bridge. After each heartbreaking loss, it took us years until we felt ready to open our lives and our hearts to another pet.


When making this important, life changing decision, many of us first consider the work and cost involved. Do we have the time to train, feed, and care for a new puppy? Will we have the time and energy to bathe it, clean its teeth, and play with it? If we work full time, will our pet be safe on its own for the many hours while we are away? Is that fair to the dog? What about the mess and noise, i.e. accidents until it is trained, chewing on our shoes or furniture, and barking each time someone comes to our front door. If we live in condos or apartments, will the dog bark while we are away and annoy our neighbours?


Still thinking about it? If so, where should we purchase our pet? A breeder could be a great choice, but the cost of a purebred might be thousands of dollars and inbred pets may come with genetic predispositions to serious health conditions. Alternatively, purchasing an animal from a pet store is usually a bad idea. They often come from puppy mills and could have serious health and behavioural issues due to the cruel conditions into which they were born.


Instead, there are many pets ready and available to be rescued. Adopting a pet from a shelter may be saving it from being euthanized. Our first dog was referred to as a “mutt” and purchased from the Toronto Humane Society. She gave us 15 years of love, affection, fun, and was a great friend and caregiver for our newborn baby girl. I was eight months pregnant when my husband walked in proudly offering me this adorable puppy. How he thought that his wife who had swollen feet and had gained 50 pounds could take care of a dog and, at the same time, prepare for the birth of our baby, was beyond me. Muffy was a combination Beagle and German Sheppard. She loved to escape whenever the front door opened, and her escapades ended in more surgeries than most people experience in a lifetime. But she was pure love. Muffy became our daughter’s best friend, slept in her room, and is probably the primary reason that our daughter, Suzie, is a Veterinarian today.


The cost of an adopted pet is minimal. Many rescue animals have already been trained and have gone through the puppy stage so may be calmer. Alternatively, we will probably know nothing about its medical or behavioural history. That being said, we may have a particular breed, colour, and/or age preference in mind which may make our perfect companion even more difficult to find.


Yes, there is a great deal involved in caring for a pet but what can our pets do for us?


According to the Harvard Health Letter, “pets are wonderful companions and provide many emotional and physical benefits.”


Dr. Fricchione, director of Mind Body Medicine, discussed a study in the journal Science about how oxytocin, a good feeling chemical, is boosted in both the dog and the human when a dog owner stares into the eyes of his dog, referred to as “mutual gazing”.


A 2014 Study, published in the journal of Pediatric Nursing, stated that “children with autism may especially benefit from interacting with dogs which can provide unconditional, non-judgemental, love and companionship.” For many of these kids, a therapy dog can decrease meltdowns, anxiety, and anger. The child’s furry pal can teach him responsibility and comfort him when he feels afraid, overwhelmed, or insecure.


One of the main causes of depression for human beings is loneliness. Pets help us feel less alone. They have no expectations while offering us love, hugs and kisses. They are always ready to play, and are happy just to lie next to us as we sleep, read, or watch TV.


For the elderly, a pet is great company, can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, get his owner out of the house through daily walks, and has a miraculous effect on reducing depression and anxiety.


It has also been said that having a pet helps seniors focus on something other than themselves; ie, their physical challenges and preoccupations with loss or aging. Adopting an older pet that is already trained may be the best solution for seniors. An important consideration is if they are physically, emotionally, and financially able to care for a pet.


During the COVID pandemic, the number of pets adopted increased exponentially. Rescue shelters did not have enough animals to fill the demands of people looking to find a pet for their children stuck at home without their friends and for adults living alone who were seeking company and emotional support.  Unfortunately, these animals could not be taken out for walks due to government restrictions, couldn’t go to training classes, and got used to having their owners at home with them 24/7. They became used to constant love and attention and weren’t accustomed to staying home alone.


As many of these families returned to work and to school, they were no longer able to care for their pets, physically and/or financially. Shelters became concerned about “the possibility that animals would come flooding back when people returned to work and that these animals would suffer from separation anxiety.” Also Veterinary Clinics, particularly those in small towns, had difficulty accommodating the number of pets that required medical care. Pet owners had to wait for days and even weeks to get appointments. Many turned to Emergency Clinics but the costs were much higher and they experienced long waits because the ER Vets had to treat the more serious cases first.


Yes, purchasing a pet is a decision that should be considered carefully. For most of us, the benefits outweigh the costs. As the proud “mom” of three dogs, over the past 50 years; each with us for over 15 years, I can honestly say that these dogs were our babies. They brought great joy and love to our home and to our family. During times of illness and loss, they provided support. Each of them seemed able to sense whenever something was wrong and provided us with exactly what we needed. I miss them all terribly but am grateful to have had them as part of our lives. True blessings, their memories will forever remain in our hearts!


So, back to my initial question. Am I ready? Is this the right time? All I have to do is look into those big brown eyes, feel it snuggle against me, enjoy the kisses, and breath in the love, and, somehow, all of my questions and concerns disappear.

Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program


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Eczema Podcast

Excema Podcast | Abb Tai Interview with Gilda Rovan Holistic Nutritionist Are your drainage pathways congested? Your body’s terrain and level of toxicity impact your skin. How can we open the routes of elimination in a gentle and safe manner? How do your liver and kidneys impact your skin? Does an imbalance in bacteria, aka Dysbiosis, affect your skin? Is there a difference between Drainage and Detoxification?



30 Minute Interview with Gilda Rovan by Abby Tai 

Gilda Rovan Bio - Nutritional Preceptorship Program

Host Review of Gilda’s Interview on Eczema


“Gilda did a great job of presenting the eczema webinar. She used a well-rounded approach and provided a lot of information on how to heal eczema from the inside out – rather than just using a topical approach to healing the skin. She also explained different supplements in lots of detail and how they can help the skin heal – which is very important to support the healing process.”


Abby Tai – 

Learn more about Eczema from Abby Lai

Hiking Benefits

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Hiking Blog

Hiking takes walking, as a healthy exercise, to the next level. Both are excellent cardio workouts, great for the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, our bones, and our muscles. Each will lower our stress levels and is great to support any weight loss program. But hiking gives us the extra piece: it can improve our balance and increase our strength and endurance as we navigate the steep and/or bumpy trails. An old English term used for hiking was “hillwalking”. Walking poles can be included for balance or stability in order to provide additional security and safety.


Hiking uses muscles that are rarely used in the gym. It is also considered one of the best ways to burn fat – even that stubborn belly fat. This physical exercise promotes the release of endorphins – the hormones that make you happy.


Studies have found that exercise and cardio workouts benefit us – mind, body, and spirit. So why choose to walk outside or hike? For many, exercise can be tedious and boring. Something on our daily routine “have to” list. Not something that brings us pleasure. On a treadmill, an hour can feel like a very long time. So we manage to pass the time by watching TV, reading our emails, and/or talking on our cell phones. By doing this, we are being mindless. Our focus is entirely outside of ourselves. We are still working, still obsessing, still stressed. Being outside, on the other hand, on a hike, maneuvering the trails, time seems to fly by. It also adds the extra dimension of being in beauty. Surrounded by nature, we reduce our levels of anger and fear and increase our feelings of wellbeing.


Exercising at the gym or at home is usually a solitary act. Hiking with friends may turn this dull activity into a fun-filled experience. Connecting with friends in a natural setting, can involve opening ourselves up and even allow them to see our limitations, our stumbles, our vulnerability. It encourages us to share stories that we might otherwise keep hidden or have even forgotten. We may deepen some of these friendships, making them more meaningful. There is something very special about sharing this experience with others, making memories, and changing relationships. We may even get out of our egos and become ourselves.


Many have written about the benefits of hiking. Lao Tsu wrote, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Ken Ilgunas: “On a hike, you’re less a job title, and more a human being.” “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” – Friedrich Nietzsche. “Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread.” – Edward Abbey. “Me thinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.” – Henry David Thoreau.


Hiking, whether alone or with others, is a way of enjoying the beauty of nature while promoting mindfulness, as we remain closely aware of what is underfoot so as not to stumble or fall. Focusing on our surroundings and the possible dangers stops the monkey mind from regretting the past and worrying about the future, thereby lowering anxiety and improving our mood. Hiking is also a great way to unplug. Rarely do we see a hiker spending their time on the hills checking emails, texting, taking selfies, or tweeting.


Whichever you choose to engage in, whether walking or hiking, remember to dress accordingly, wear the proper footwear, and stay hydrated. Bring your water bottle and, of course, your phone, (just in case of an emergency)!

Gilda By Line11

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Meditation blog

Most of us have heard the expression, (also the title of a 1962 musical and song), “Stop the World, I want to get off!” During 2020 and into 2021, the world did stop but our minds did not. Our thoughts took us to some very scary places and created a different type of stress – one that filled us with anxiety, depression, fear, grief, and sadness. So, stopping the world, for many, was not the answer to helping us slow down and calming our minds.


How do we quiet our monkey minds, cut out the chatter, and become still? My favourite tool is Meditation. It is a way of focusing our attention inwards. Meditation can help us gain a greater self-knowledge; get in touch with our emotions; reduce chronic pain levels; live a fuller, richer life. As our awareness increases, we may become more compassionate and more open to each moment of our lives. For moments in time, we forget about our past regrets and our future fears and focus only on the here and now.


According to Edgar Cayce, “Prayer is like talking to God. Meditation is a way of listening to God.”


By connecting to the stillness within, we may truly discover our place and purpose in this vast Universe. We cease responding to “situations” or reacting to the words of others, we are simply being. We are no longer connecting to Ego, filled with anger and fear. Instead, we communicate with Spirit, taking an important step towards forgiveness, gratitude, and love. Our hearts open.


We become aware and are no longer anxious or worried. During these precious moments, we feel safe with no need to make decisions or plans. We are calm and at peace and, sometimes, we even feel a bubbling of joy. This joy comes from nowhere, connected to nothing, just emanating deeply from within.


This stillness even transcends our moments of meditation. Our lives change. We become more conscious and less reactive. We learn to ask for help to see things differently. We may even learn to stop and take a breath before responding to harsh words or uncomfortable situations.


Meditation can take many forms. It can vary from Transcendental Meditation, where you repeat an Ayurvedic mantra, to Mindful Meditation, which involves in being in the moment, aware of every sound or thought without reacting, to a basic meditation involving  repeating a word of your choice or simply watching the breath. Most forms of meditation are seated but there are also walking meditations, standing meditations, and eating meditations.


Meditation can be guided or silent or accompanied by soft music. It may be done in a group or by oneself. It is performed sitting in a comfortable position, on the floor or in a chair, usually with backs straight and knees bent. Lying down is not recommended because this often ends with falling asleep in the middle of the session. Eyes are usually shut but may remain open. It can be done anywhere and anytime as long as you are not driving a vehicle or using heavy machinery.


Meditation is an excellent way to begin and end each day, even if just for 15-20 minutes per session. For many, it changes how their day goes and deepens and improves their sleep.


How do you figure out which type of meditation to choose? Just choose a simple method and begin. One of the easiest methods is simply to focus on the breath. Breathing in on the count of four, holding the breath on the count of four, and breathing out on the count of four. Repeat. Or you can simply breath in for four and out for four.


Heart Math involves breathing directly into your heart for a count of 4 or 5 and out from your heart for the same number of counts. Feel the relaxation that follows. Feel the stress relief. Is your body sending you messages or guidance? Listen. Your Ego speaks very loudly but your Spirit and intuition speak softly. Feel the gratitude.


By meditating at the same time each day, you will develop this new habit. Find a time that works best for you and easiest to maintain. If not, you will probably forget to meditate for days, or even weeks, and eventually stop the practice completely.


Meditation is indeed a practice and the more we practise the better we become. The easier it is to go within. The deeper we go. The more benefits we discover. And yes, eventually, no matter what is happening around us, our bodies slow down and our mind is calmed.

Gilda By Line11

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Organic Eggs

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Organic EggsEggs are referred to as one of the “most perfect” sources of protein – six grams of protein in just one large egg – and have even been called “superfoods”.  In Healthline, it reads that “an egg contains all the nutrients required to turn a single cell into a baby chicken” and that “eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet”.


They contain all of the essential amino acids – the body’s building blocks – in perfect ratios. Eggs are rich sources of Selenium and Vitamin D for the immune system; Choline for the brain and the heart, Iron for the blood, Folate for our Moms-to-be, B6 for energy, B12 for the blood, Zinc for healing, and Lutein and Zeaxanthin for the eyes. Most of the nutrients are found only in the yolk – not in the egg white, if eaten alone. Many people on weight loss and low cholesterol diets have turned to eating only egg whites, eliminating the yolk for all of their cooking and baking needs. Egg whites are high in protein and lower in calories, but contain fewer vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats than whole eggs. The precious yolks have been unfairly maligned for decades.


Although demonized in the past, recent studies have concluded that eggs do not cause heart disease and stroke. Low in calories, about 75 in total, eggs are filling, rich in healthy omega 3 fats, and make a nutritious and satisfying breakfast, even on a weight loss program. 


According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, eggs are one of the proteins that make up a healthy eating pattern. Research suggests that eating two to three eggs per day may have cardiovascular benefits”. That being said, we are unique. Although eggs will benefit HDL levels for most, for some whose LDL levels are too high, they could raise them a bit more. So, it is important to know your numbers and not to overdo if you are in this category.


Does colour matter? For the shell, the colour does not determine a difference in the nutritional value or taste. The colour of the yolk is a different story. It usually depends on the food that the hens are being fed. Rich, dark yolks contain more antioxidants than pale yellow ones. Pale or medium yellow yolks usually come from conventionally raised hens that are grain fed. The grains usually include corn, which is genetically modified so contains glyphosate. A darker, more orange coloured yolk is a result of carotenoids, particularly xanthophyllis, in the hens’ feed, which is organic with no added GMO ingredients.


Eggs should be organic, meaning they are totally free range. If not, you are probably eating eggs laid by chickens that have been raised crowded together in cages. “free range” or “cage free” label may describe chickens that are crowded, closely together, into hen houses with no fresh air or sunlight. Organic eggs are laid by chickens that are allowed to move freely through the outdoors into the sunshine. Which chickens, and therefore, which eggs, do you think will be healthier and contain more nutrients?


Happy and healthy chickens will lay healthier eggs. The vibrational energy of our food impacts our health and well-being. Ancient Greeks knew the importance of food having good energy and bringing unconditional love “agapi” to their families.  Also, many an Italian grandmother has announced that the most important ingredient in their food is “the love”.


Banana Blueberry Muffins
(Organic & Gluten-free)




  • 2 organic bananas, mashed
  • 4 organic eggs, beaten
  • Fresh, or frozen, organic blueberries



  1. Blend the mashed bananas with the eggs. 
  2. Oil the bottom of a muffin tin and/or line with paper cups
  3. Place blueberries into the bottom of each cup
  4. Fill each cup with the egg & banana mix 


 Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 12 minutes.


Gilda By Line11

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Pain blog image

Do you suffer from debilitating pain? Pain can sometimes be a gift, a message sent from the Central Nervous System to the Brain. It is the body’s way of letting us know that something is wrong, of protecting us from continuing to injure ourselves, making things worse, and, sometimes, telling us that it is time to see a health care professional. There is a TV commercial for a pain drug that says, “When the body says no, ‘……’ says yes.” But, in order to be safe, when the body’s wisdom tells us “no”, we should respond accordingly.


Pain after a cut, bite, fall, injury, or a medical procedure is short term and is referred to as acute. In these cases, inflammation is the body’s way of healing and repairing the injured tissue. But, if it continues longterm, even permanently, it is labeled as chronic. Chronic pain is often described as lasting many months after the injury or medical procedure has healed. In most of these cases, the primary origin is excess inflammation. The names given to many painful conditions end in “itis”, denoting inflammation. In the case of arthritis, it involves inflammation of the joints. Inflammation also increases when under stress.


Pain may be mild, moderate, severe, constant, occasional, sore, dull, throbbing, sharp, aching, pulsing, stabbing, annoying, uncomfortable, debilitating, or even unbearable. When seeing a doctor or a therapist, being able to identify the type and location of pain can help with the diagnosis and sometimes indicate a particular condition. Some people can point directly to the tiny spot where the pain is felt. Yet, for others, it is in the left shoulder, or in the head, or in the right knee. It may even be referred pain felt, for example, in the right hip and originating from the left side of the neck. Pain can impact our daily activities, work, emotional and psychological well-being, and social activities. 


For many, it is worse in the morning and is accompanied by stiffness. Lack of movement during the night can increase morning inflammation. A gentle morning exercise routine may help minimize this discomfort. Doctors used to recommend complete bedrest during painful periods, but this is no longer the case. For most types of chronic conditions, movement and increased blood flow has been seen to promote healing and reduce pain.


Waking with a sore neck may be due to a poor sleeping position or to the type of pillow being used. Also, sore backs, are often the result of poor posture. Try standing with your feet pointing straight ahead with a slight pelvic tilt, tummy tucked in, head comfortably forward, shoulders back. This is how to align the spinal chain properly with the joints stacked evenly, one above the other. Your weight will be evenly placed and you will no longer be compensating for a weak area by putting extra pressure on the healthy side. Use your muscles rather than your joints wherever possible.


Running shoes may be the best type of footwear, offering additional support, and resulting in a reduction in back pain. When bending, hinge at the hips instead of at the waist. Lift with your knees, never your back, and do not twist your body to reach for something that is off to the right or left. If sitting for hours at a desk or computer, ensure that you have a proper chair, that your arms are at a height that doesn’t put strain on your shoulders, and that you get up every half hour to move.


To minimize pain, naturally, deep breathing exercises, meditation, or relaxation techniques can be extremely helpful. One breathing exercise that can be done in bed each morning before rising involves lying down, eyes closed, one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Focus on the breath moving slowly, in through the nose and out through the nose. The count of four for each is comfortable for most. Feel the breath move in, through, and out of your body for even 10-15 minutes. This can be followed by gentle exercises, like bending your knees and moving your legs from one side to the other. Gently and comfortably, move and bend your arms and your legs.


There are also many safe physical exercises that result in increased blood flow which will help minimize pain. Some of these include Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Feldenkrais. Stress reduction, 7-8 hours of sleep, and therapies such as massage, acupuncture, osteopathy, and myofascial release can also help tremendously in minimizing pain. Exercise programs that strengthen your abs and glutes, in a safe manner, are extremely helpful.


Magnesium is an important supplement that will relax the muscles and improve sleep. A daily vitamin D supplement will improve immunity and strengthen bones and muscles. Also, Boswelia, SAMe, MSM, and fish oil may help reduce chronic pain. Both turmeric, added to food or taken as a supplement, and tart cherry juice, combined with water as a drink one hour before bed, have anti-inflammatory properties.There are also homeopathic remedies that may reduce pain and inflammation including Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Rhus tox, and Ruta. For these, the symptoms must match the remedy. Like cures like. So, please read about the remedy first.  And, also, there are essential oils like Lavender, Peppermint, Copaiba, and Pan Away applied to the body and/or diffused through the room which may promote muscle relaxation, restful sleep, and reduce pain. As CBD becomes legal, there will also be many ointments, creams, and oils on the market that can offer relief.


It is important to stay well hydrated, and to eliminate, or at least, reduce the consumption of coffee, alcohol, and tobacco. Remember to eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet, low in sugar, processed foods, hydrogenated fats, and carbonated drinks. All food that increase inflammation, like nightshades, will increase pain.


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Gilda By Line11

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Bone Health: Osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis is not just A Calcium Deficiency!


What is holding you up?  Bones are made up of at least a dozen minerals and more. We need to have these minerals, all in perfect proportion, in order to have healthy bones and healthy bodies. Before we start rebuilding the bone, and adding calcium, magnesium, potassium and all of the other important minerals and supplements, we must address the original cause of bone deterioration.


Osteoporosis is a “silent disease” where the bones become less dense, weak, and brittle. Its name comes from the latin – “osteo” meaning bone and “poras” meaning porous. For many adults, a slight fracture is the first indication that there is a problem. We may experience a minor bone break due to a benign event, possibly after a cough or a sneeze, increasing the probability of future fractures.


Today we are living longer. Seniors have become one of the largest population groups throughout the world. As children, our body breaks down old bone and replaces it with new bone tissue. By our early 30’s, bone mass no longer increases and we need to preserve our bones for as long as possible. As we move toward middle age, and our hormones become depleted and out of balance, our bones naturally lose their density every year. Our ability to build bone diminishes, resulting in thinner and more fragile bones that will break more easily. For women, this has become a serious concern during perimenopause, as the estrogen levels decline, and, particularly, after menopause. Men begin to lose bone around the age of 60–70. Hip and knee replacements are now very common for both women and men.



Early Warning Signs:

  • Loss of height
  • Changes in posture; ie stooping forward
  • Bone fractures, particularly after age 50
  • Lower back pain


Risk Factors include being female; being Caucasian or Asian; a genetic predisposition; a history of irregular periods; eating disorders; early menopause; poor nutrition; lack of exercise; tobacco and/or alcohol use; a PH below 6.5; low body weight; a small, thin frame; Kidney Disease; Celiac Disease; IBS; Prednisone; Cortisones; and other Drugs.


Fortunately, there is a tool that can determine bone loss, using T score ratings. This is suggested for women every two or three years after menopause. This Bone Density test, also known as DEXA, uses x-ray to measure the density of the bones in your wrists, hips, or spine, three areas most at risk, and also, the neck.


T Scores: 

  • A score of -1.0 or above is normal
  • A score of -1.0 and -2.5 is considered Osteopenia
  • A score below -2.5 is diagnosed as Osteoporosis


Today our systems are assaulted by more toxins than ever before. Toxicity inhibits the body from working effectively. Whatever we can’t eliminate, we store. As we become more toxic, we also become more acidic. The body then leaches minerals, particularly calcium, from the bones in order to become more alkaline. How do we reverse this process? We make changes that will begin to move our body in the direction of healing. That is what Natural Nutritionists strive to do for every client that walks through their clinic door.


Doctors use medication, orally or by injection, like Fosamax, Actonel, etc to increase bone density while also recommending weight bearing exercise. In men, testosterone therapy has been used to increase bone density. Women were given estrogen therapy for decades until a large number of studies discovered a correlation between hormone replacement therapy and an increase in the risk of blood clots, heart disease, and hormone related cancers, like breast and ovarian.


Natural therapy protocols include supplements, weight bearing exercises, an alkaline diet, and a cleaner, more active lifestyle. In my practice, I use Biotherapeutic Drainage to promote the body’s ability to eliminate toxins, by making the liver, kidneys, and other major emunctories more efficient, through the use of combination homeopathic remedies. Once the body is less toxic, it becomes more alkaline and is better able to absorb and assimilate the nutrients necessary to build strong bones.


A link has been found between thyroid disease and osteoporosis. Thyroid hormones can affect the rate of bone loss. Too much thyroid hormone, like thyroxine, prescribed for years, may speed up the rate at which bone is lost. The body’s osteoblasts may in turn be unable to replace the bone loss as quickly as required.


In the Nurses’ Health Study including 122,000 women, risk factors for chronic diseases, like osteoporosis, were analyzed. It found that “women with the highest consumption of dairy products actually had substantially more fractures than women who drank less milk”.


Our NPP Webinar, Osteoporosis, includes:

  • Bone formation and integrity
  • Underlying issues
  • Warning signs
  • Rebuilding the bones with Nutrition, Supplements, Biotherapeutic Drainage, Tissue Cell Salts, Diet, and Lifestyle Changes

Our NPP Webinar, Hormones, includes:

  • Foods to balance hormones
  • The Endocrine System
  • Adrenal & Thyroid Nutritional Support
  • Thyroid and Osteoporosis

Gilda By Line11

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Digestion, Immune System, & The Microbiome

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Digestion Immune System and the MicrobiomeIn North America, many of us are obsessed with cleanliness. Actually, we need to be exposed to bacteria, fungi, and viruses in order to have a healthy, strong immune system. By killing off our good bacteria with antibiotics, stress, cortisone, and chlorinated drinking water, we leave the field wide open to pathogenic, dangerous bacteria. Too many hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial soaps can change our PH and, in turn, mess with our immunological balance. Also, chemicals in plastics, cosmetics and clothing may negatively affect our microbiome which in turn affects the integrity of the small and large intestines.


The Human Microbiome consists of a collection of trillions of tiny microorganisms that make up who we are. They are part of us, not an addition to us. They help the body digest food and nutrients that the stomach is unable to digest. They also help in the production of some vitamins, like B and K. They program our immune system which needs their bacteria to teach it to function properly – to identify which should be there and which should not and then capture and destroy the bad guys. Even viruses living in our microbiome help to establish immunity against new and more dangerous viruses belonging to the same family. Our immune system takes care of most of our colds and flues in a way that actually causes the symptoms that we experience. The more diverse our immune system is, the smarter will be its reaction. When our microbiome is in balance, all is well. If disrupted, the lining of the gut becomes more porous allowing absorption of poisons, bacteria and viruses.


The majority of our microbiome is found in the digestive system; in particular, in the intestines. Our intestines include tight junctions that prevent the harmful bacteria from entering the body’s cells. When these junctions are weakened, as in the case of leaky gut, autoimmune diseases and allergies may arise. Stress, antibiotics, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, processed and fried foods, and hydrogenated and trans fats weaken these barriers. Probiotics, particularly acidophilus, good, clean water, foods high in fibre, and also sauerkraut, pineapple, bone broth, onion, garlic and kimchi strengthens these junctions by restoring the normal flora. New research is telling us that gut microbiome may also affect our central nervous system and brain health. The gut and its organisms have even been referred to as our “second brain” having the same grey matter as found in the brain.


The Immune System and the Microbiome go hand in hand. Dysbiosis, ie pathogenic bacteria that are out of control, create a persistent imbalance in this microbial community, and are implicated in IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis, skin issues like rosacea, eczema, and acne, and in most, if not all, autoimmune diseases. Dysbiosis is also involved in gut issues like bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and/or heartburn. Once we clean up the terrain, the bugs will begin to live in harmony.


Change the terrain that supports and feeds the bugs. Don’t focus on the bugs! In order to enhance the immune system, change the environment that supports the growth of these pathogenic organisms. Sugar and a diet high in carbohydrates create a welcoming home for them. Sugar also lowers immunity by 80% for 2-5 hours after it is consumed. If the terrain is filled with toxic material and undigested food, that is where you will find the bugs.


Begin to make the changes that will bring the body back into balance. Drink abundant quantities of clean water, eat organic fruits and vegetables, fibre, fermented foods, and good quality protein. Eliminate all GMO foods. Stop consuming foods that you are allergic to, lower your stress levels, and get adequate sleep. Take good care of your microbiome and it will take care of you for many years to come.

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Sleep Issues

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Sleep Issues Blog

The first sign of a problem with the brain is shortened sleep, in particular, napping during the day and not sleeping through the night. With even one hour loss of sleep per night, the brain slows down, we become more emotional and our thinking slows down. What is the major cause of sleeplessness? For most, it is chronic stress and anxiety, resulting in elevated cortisol levels, particularly in the evening, keeping us from enjoying a proper night’s sleep.


Sleep affects every organ system. The body does not do well without an optimal 7 to 8 hours per night. The more sleep deprived we are, the less effective our immune function, the more prone we become to injury and accidents and, even, to serious medical conditions, such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.


27% of sleep deprived people are more likely to become overweight. Sleep is vital for learning and memory so is necessary for education and maximum productivity in the workplace. Sleep allows for the body to balance itself.


There are four major sleep cycles. In general, we go from falling asleep, to light sleep, to deep sleep, to REM sleep. These cycles are repeated many times throughout the night. Earlier cycles have longer periods of deep sleep and later cycles, more REM sleep. Deep sleep makes us feel refreshed and keeps us healthy. During REM sleep, the brain becomes more active, the body more relaxed, and most of our dreams occur. “REM sleep is important to your sleep cycle because it stimulates the areas of your brain that are essential in learning and making or retaining memories.” Longer periods of REM sleep occur in the morning hours.


Suggestions for improved sleep include going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day, even on the weekends; sleeping in a totally dark, quiet, and comfortable space; removing all electronic devices, particularly computers, tablets, and cell phones from the room where you sleep; avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco for at least 3 to 4 hours before bedtime; keeping all daytime napping short and before 4 or 5 pm. Try not to go to sleep hungry or stuffed. If you do wake up during the night, avoid checking the clock or looking to see if you have any new texts or emails. In a study of 20 volunteers, after 8 weeks of meditation and yoga, novices in meditation expressed 2209 new genes, most improving health and the body’s response to psychological stress.


Magnesium before bed is a great, safe source of calming and relaxation. Bananas are loaded with magnesium. You can enjoy a banana tea by washing a banana, removing the tips, cut it in half and boil it, with the peel on, in 3-5 cups of water for 4-5 minutes. Pour the liquid into a tea cup, add cinnamon and a little honey and enjoy! You may find that you sleep like a newborn baby.


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Abnormal Heartbeat
Low Blood Sugar
Muscle Cramps
Muscle Weakness
Stomach Pain & Gut Obstructions



Many years ago, while on vacation, I noticed that my hands and fingers were swollen. To combat this, my friend offered me one of her water pills, which I gratefully accepted. About 2 or 3 hours later, I felt weak, dizzy, and light-headed. I felt as if I was about to faint. This was my first experience with a potassium deficiency. I learned, the hard way, that if one is taking a drug, like Lasix, it must be coupled with increased water and a consumption of high potassium foods, like a banana or orange juice. I also learned not to take anyone else’s prescription drugs.


Potassium is an essential macromineral. It is also an electrolyte, like sodium and magnesium. It partners with sodium to manage the water within the body. Sodium works outside of the cells while potassium works inside of the cells in order to maintain a proper fluid balance, preventing water retention or dehydration. Potassium supports blood pressure and helps to maintain proper pH levels, beating of the heart, muscle mass, and repair of body tissue. It is essential for proper muscle function, cardiovascular health, bone strength, and the transmission of nerve impulses sharing messages between your brain and your body. Potassium loss can be the result of diarrhea, vomiting, or low water intake during a flu or gastric ailment.


Optimal daily potassium intake from food for a healthy adult is 3500 to 4700 mg daily. Great sources of potassium are bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, apricots, cooked spinach, kale, beet greens, soy and lima beans, cucumbers, baked potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, yams, wild salmon, and avocado. Most of us can easily get what we need from food. If you are unable to consume enough dietary potassium or if you have been ill, you can top it up with supplements purchased at your local health food store. An average dose may be one or two 250 mg capsules of potassium citrate daily with meals.


We are continuously reminded to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Some people overdo their water intake thinking that it will help them lose weight more quickly. This can result in a depletion of potassium causing kidney stones or heart malfunction.

Our webinar, The Kidneys, includes:

    • a discussion on how a diet low in potassium and high in sodium is associated with hypertension;
    • that 95% of our potassium is found inside of our cells;
    • that a natural diet rich in fruits and veggies can give us a 100:1 ratio of K: Na;
    • how 2.5 to 5.0 grams of potassium per day can give significant drops in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels, and much more.


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Magnesium blog



Relaxes every muscle in your body – including the heart

Relief from Insomnia

Reduces anxiety, depression, stress, sadness

Necessary to get calcium into the bones

Regulates blood pressure

Supports Insulin metabolism

Blood vessel constriction – may prevent migraine headaches

Improves PMS symptoms


Magnesium, as a macromineral, is essential for the bones, muscles, heart, brain, the immune system and the nervous system.


Foods rich in magnesium include dark chocolate (64 mg/oz), avocado (58 mg), nuts (82 mg/oz), legumes, tofu, whole grains, fatty fish, leafy greens, bananas, and seeds. 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds offer 307 mg and sunflower seeds, 129 mg.


As a supplement, in a capsule, Magnesium is taken to bowel tolerance. If you experience diarrhea, nausea, or cramping, back off by one. With calcium, the recommended dose is a 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium but for women, a 1:1 ratio or even a 1:2 ratio is often more beneficial, particularly for those experiencing PMS.


Magnesium can also be taken as a Tissue Cell Salt, small tablets that are dissolved in the mouth. Mag Phos 6X is excellent for muscle pain, restless leg, and, for some, as a sleep aid. The body uses what it needs and expels the rest without causing bowel disturbances.


Women have often been referred to as “mag wasters” meaning that they lose an unusual amount of magnesium throughout the day.  Magnesium loss is also experienced by Massage Therapists, both men and women, who often experience muscle cramps in their hands and fingers.


In our “Heart & Stroke – Women vs Men” webinar, we focus on how a woman’s heart differs in size, heart rate, and also the contrast in structure of the arteries and valves resulting in a substantial difference between the two sexes in terms of risks, symptoms, care, diagnosis, and treatment. We discuss how Magnesium helps to keep calcium in solution preventing it from precipitating out into artery walls which would result in the building of plaque. Also, how magnesium prevents Aluminum buildup in the body. Magnesium is essential for a healthy heart, maintaining a steady heartbeat and a normal blood pressure.


In our “Adrenal Fatigue” webinar, we discuss Adrenal burnout and exhaustion due primarily to stress, emotional, physical, and environmental. We discuss the importance of Magnesium, the inhibitory mineral for the Sympathetic Nervous System. Magnesium activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is instrumental in keeping you calm and relaxed.

Gilda By Line11

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Kicking Sugar

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NPP TIP Blog kick sugar1

Rarely do we experience obsessive cravings for chicken, broccoli, or green juice, so why sugar? It may be due to a habit, a blood sugar or hormone imbalance, poor sleep, stress, depression, anxiety, insufficient protein, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies, dehydration, or fatigue. Sugar can change your physiology. Giving into this craving or addiction can actually raise the dopamine levels in your brain, giving you a temporary feeling of well-being. A particular food may even trigger a pleasant memory, like the day your Dad took you for donuts to celebrate your fifth birthday. Continually giving into every sugar craving can foster an unhealthy relationship with food, leading to binge eating and a feeling of being out of control.


So, how do you kick your sugar cravings? Start your day with a high protein breakfast, followed by a protein at every meal. Increase your daily intake of healthy carbs, like vegetables, and decrease or, preferably, eliminate the starchy carbs, like white potatoes, pasta, and bread. Choose high fibre foods, like almonds, chia seeds, avocados, and berries, which will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, therefore preventing blood sugar spikes. Stay hydrated throughout the day with 8-10 glasses of water. When the craving does rear its ugly head, drink a glass of water and then distract yourself. Try knitting, needlepoint, or a 1000 piece puzzle. Grab your sneakers and go for a walk. Sink into a warm, soothing bath, prepared by dissolving one or two cups of epsom salts and/or 4 or 5 drops of compatible essential oils. EFT tapping can work wonders to stop a craving in its tracks. My favourite instructional videos are by Jessica Ortner on YouTube. Or, if all else fails, take a nap.


Thinking about weaning slowly off sugar? This is rarely the solution. Kicking sugar is one issue that requires going cold turkey. Your first few days may see withdrawal symptoms, like headaches, anxiety, or irritability. Each of these symptoms may be accompanied by a strong craving for something sweet that is hard to resist. Take heart and persevere! The results will definitely be worth it. Remember, it takes 21 days to create a new habit although you should begin to feel better after 5 days. The cravings will diminish, the hunger will disappear, and your feelings of well-being will grow.


 NPP Related Webinars

Gilda By Line11

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New Year’s Resolutions

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NPP Webinars | Nutritional Preceptorship Program | Nutritionist tips to lose weight | New Years Resolutions

“I Resolve…”


A brand new year, a new page, a fresh start! As we say farewell to another year, we ask ourselves to commit to making major changes. For many, it is a desire to lose weight, begin an exercise program, or kick an addiction or habit, like alcohol, drugs, or sugar. We are determined to be different. We are actually saying that there is something wrong with us – that we need fixing.


Losing weight is one of the most common resolutions and one that often fails year after year. We realize that we need a plan. But not just any plan. We may begin by asking ourselves the following questions:


Why do I want to do this? To look better? To be healthier? To have more energy? To fit into my clothes?
What am I prepared to give up? Sugar? Carbs? Snacks? $$$?
Who can help me? A weight loss group? A nutritionist? A gym?
When will I begin? Today? Tomorrow? Next week?


As a natural nutritionist, I would suggest an alternative approach. By having you complete an intake questionnaire, I would be able to assess your body’s nutritional deficiencies. A full history and consultation would inform me of your past health issues, any familial genetic diseases, medications, and current symptoms and/or medical diagnoses. This would allow me to make recommendations as to supplements, remedies, and lifestyle changes and to create a diet plan specifically for you. I would see you approximately every six weeks and offer my continued support. We would work together to help you achieve and maintain your goals in a healthy and safe manner.


Changes take time and none of us are perfect. By asking ourselves the Who, What, Why, When questions, we can examine our thought patterns regarding the changes that we want to see and our confusion as to how to achieve them. This understanding will offer us a much better chance for success.


By working as a team with the same intentions and the right type of support and no judgement, occasional missteps will not derail your success. It is all about moving towards your goals, one day at a time – not an all or nothing approach.

Gilda By Line11

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NPP TIP Blog-snowshoeingWinter, in Canada, is a magical season but, generally, the streets and hills are covered with snow and ice. Walking, running, and even hiking are not as easy or as safe as they were during our other three seasons. So, how do we exercise and stay in shape out of doors during the winter months? We suggest Snowshoeing, originally used by Native Americans and European Explorers to forage for food and travel through deep snow for almost 4000 years, and even longer in Central Asia.


Snowshoeing, now seen as a recreational exercise, is a fun way to lose the calories that we generally pack on during the winter months. It is said to burn off anywhere between 420-1000 calories per hour. The colder the weather, the more energy we use; the taller the snow, the higher we lift our legs; thus, a great fat-burning, muscle-building exercise. Snowshoeing is a terrific low-impact aerobic exercise that is easy on the joints, healthy for the heart and the lungs, strengthening for the muscles, and great for improved balance and stability. If balance is an issue, poles can keep you upright and protect you from slipping.


This is also a wonderful way to dispel the winter blues. Being in nature is known to decrease depression and stress levels. Practising mindfulness, while walking along the snowy, beautiful terrain on a sunny day, will stop the monkey mind from taking you to the past, where you house your regrets, or into the future, worrying about what lies ahead. Good for all ages, including children and seniors, Snowshoeing is a safe and healthy way for us to get outside all winter long, burn calories, strengthen our glutes, quads, and our calves, unplug, relax, and simply have a lot of fun. Check out the many schools, recreational facilities, and resorts that offer snowshoeing lessons for beginners. If you can walk, you can snowshoe. Please remember to stay hydrated, so bring along your water bottle!

Gilda By Line11

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Organic Chicken

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NPP TIP Blog chicken soup

Organic Chicken Breasts are delicious – roasted, stir fried or as a soup. Chicken has become a staple dish for most non-vegetarians. It is one of the best sources of protein, necessary to build muscles and keep bones healthy. It is rich in minerals like phosphorus and calcium and also selenium which may cut the risk of arthritis. Containing tryptophan and B5, both having a calming effect on your body, Chicken can help relieve stress. With beneficial magnesium, it can also reduce PMS symptoms and muscle pain. It is rich in B Vitamins for heart health, particularly B6, helping to lower homocysteine levels and niacin helping to lower cholesterol. A great source of Omega 3, Chicken is low in saturated fat. The lowest fat content is found in the breast meat.


Why organic? If not, the chicken you are cooking may have been injected with antibiotics and/or hormones and grown with the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides. Organic chickens are also free range, meaning allowed to roam freely rather than crowded into cages, although free range does not necessarily indicate organic. Remember, we are what we eat!


A steaming bowl of chicken soup filled with vegetables and delicious chicken pieces has long been the secret health cure of mothers and grandmothers through the ages for colds, respiratory infections and flu and has often been referred to as “Jewish Penicillin”.


Years ago, I found a delicious recipe for an immune boosting Astragalus-Ginger Chicken Soup – my go to whenever I feel under the weather.



  1. In a large pot, 1/3 filled with filtered water, toss in some sea salt, ground pepper, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.
  2. Heat the water just below boiling. Add two split organic chicken breasts, bone in but fat and skin removed.
  3. Add a 3″ piece of ginger, cut into strips.
  4. Slice and add
    • 4 carrots,
    • 4 celery stalks,
    • 1/2 onion,
    • 2 garlic cloves,
    • 6 shitake mushrooms, and
    • 6 slices of astragalus root
    • Cook on low heat for 30 minutes.
    • Pull off the leaves of a large bunch of kale and set them aside.
    • Chop up the kale stems and throw these into the soup.
    • Continue to cook for an additional 30 minutes and then add the kale leaves.

Continue cooking (not boiling) for 30-60 more minutes. I recommend only organic ingredients, where possible. Add the sliced chicken, vegetables, salt and pepper to taste, and the delicious hot broth to your favourite bowl and enjoy! Yummy and filled with nutrients.


Gilda By Line11


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Organic Cucumber

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NPP TIP Blog cucumbersOrganic Cucumbers, actually members of the fruit family, have a high water content (95%) and are packed with  B vitamins, vitamin A, and antioxidants. They were once thought of only as a great addition to green salads, or a side to a meal, adding variety, colour, and a light, pleasant taste. They are now seen as helping with weight loss, constipation, blood pressure, skin, eyes, and bones while, at the same time, keeping you hydrated. You will derive even more benefits if you eat the entire cucumber, including the seeds and skin, after a thorough scrub and wash.


Cucumbers are rich in carotenoids and flavonoids that have been shown to help with blood sugar regulation. These, and other phytonutrients found in cucumbers, have also been studied with respect to their ability to lower chronic inflammation, decreasing the risk of many chronic diseases. Studies have suggested that the lignins found in cucumbers may help lower cardiovascular disease and prevent cancer. An anti-inflammatory substance, “fisetin”, found in cucumbers, are thought to have “the ability to reduce the impact of age-related neurological diseases on brain function” and may also help to “maintain cognitive function in people with Alzheimer’s Disease”.  


As a beauty treatment, cucumber slices have long been applied directly to the eyes to reduce puffiness. Spas feature cucumber slices floating in elegant carafes of water to help with water retention. In a YouTube video, a fellow, named Bryan, drank organic cucumber juice, skin and all, for seven days in a row. On day 1, he found that he was experiencing a huge diuretic effect. On day 2 & 3, he was feeling very hydrated. After day 4, he felt like he could run a marathon; full of energy.  At only 16 calories per cup, enjoy a snack of fresh, crisp slices of cucumber dipped into your favourite organic hummus.


Organic Cucumber, Goat Cheese, & Black Olive Salad

Organic Cucumber Recipe

  • 2 cups organic cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup organic goat cheese
  • 1/4 cup organic kalamata black olives
  • 2-3 tbsp organic cold pressed olive oil
  • sea salt & pepper to taste


  1. Slice the cucumbers, into rounds, skin on or off
  2. Slice the cherry tomatoes in half
  3. Place cucumbers & tomatoes into salad bowl
  4. Combine the other ingredients and toss with the veggies
  5. Sliced red onion may be added, if desired



Gilda By Line11



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Organic Onions

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Organic onions new

The onion, like garlic, is a member of the lily family of plants. The homeopathic remedy for the common cold, allium cepa (cepa meaning onion), is prepared from red onions. Boericke’s Materia Medica refers to this remedy as “a picture of coryza with acrid nasal discharge and laryngeal symptoms and eye secretion”.


Onions are thought to have originated in Central Asia, from Iran to Pakistan and north into southern Russia. Since the sixth century, the  onion has been respected as a great way to spice up any dish and, also, in India, for its healing properties. Most onions are white, red, or yellow appearing globular in shape although there are many varieties of shapes and colours, including green; each offering its own distinctive taste. Onions have provided cooks with an inexpensive way of enhancing the flavour of almost any dish. Many delicious recipes begin with the browning, sautéing, or carmelizing of yellow onions.


Onions are low in calories, fat, and carbs. According to Michael Murray, ND, they are “very good sources of vitamin C, B6, biotin, chromium, and dietary fibre and, in addition, good sources of folic acid and vitamins B1 and K”.  They also contain sulphur, phytochemicals, anthocyanins, flavinoids, and particularly quercetin, which is beneficial for disorders including cataracts, cardiovascular disease, and for reducing body fat. Quercetin is found primarily in the outer layers of the onion so it is recommended that as much as possible of the skin be used. It also has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


They have been known to lower blood pressure and blood sugar and also to improve bone health, gut health, and heart health.  Centuries ago, onions were included in remedies used to treat headaches, colds, and heart ailments. They contain inulin and fructooligosaccharides and are rich in prebiotics so helpful to increase the number of friendly bacteria in the gut which will improve immune function.


Studies have shown that the organosulfurs in onions may suppress tumour growth and that there may be a connection between allium and a reduced risk of cancer. A 2019 study found that quercetin had links to lower blood pressure. Another recent study showed that peri-menopausal and menopausal women who ate onions at least once a day had a greater bone density and a reduced risk of hip fractures.


Why organic onions?  These are preferred in order to avoid consuming the chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals used during the growth process. Also, conventionally grown onions will most likely have been irradiated to prevent them from sprouting. Onions should be stored at room temperature, away from sunlight, in a well ventilated area. Green onions can be stored in a perforated plastic bag in the refrigerator, safely for about a week. Leftover cut onions will stay fresh for a day or two in an airtight, sealed container in the refrigerator or may be frozen for later use in soups or casseroles. To avoid tears, refrigerate the onions for an hour or two before chopping. Also, keep them as far away from your eyes as possible, to avoid the sulfur-based gas emitted from the onion.


Eggs & Onions (2 servings)

My husband David’s favourite egg breakfast.


  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or butter
  • 1 organic onion, diced
  • 4 organic eggs, beaten
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • turmeric and/or oregano, to taste (optional)
  1. Heat olive oil or butter on medium heat in a non-stick green pan
  2. Saute the diced onions until translucent, but not browned
  3. Pour the seasoned beaten eggs onto the hot pan
  4. Stir until the eggs are cooked through
  5. Serve hot with a side of organic blueberries and sliced strawberries
  6. Crumble goat cheese over eggs, if desired


Gilda By Line11

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Human Connections

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For a happier, healthier existence, it is essential that humans maintain relationships with family, friends, and community, particularly as they age. When this does not exist, there is an increase in loneliness leading to depression, anxiety, and mental conditions. This ultimately may lead to physical illness and dis-ease. Human interaction helps us cope with stress, difficult life events, and even lengthens our lifespan.


We now know that newborn infants are soothed, cry less, and sleep more peacefully after “skin-to-skin” contact with a loving human. Babies that are not touched or held, as those in an orphanage, do not thrive or grow in the same way and may even have a shorter life span. As they grow, toddlers develop social and life skills by modelling what they see .


Children learn much better in a classroom situation with a kind teacher, friends, and playmates than in virtual classrooms. They learn when it is time to laugh and make noise and have fun and when it is time to settle down and get to work. Recess is a time to play, relax the nervous system, regenerate, and renew. The classroom, no matter how crowded, is a wonderful place to learn cooperation, manners, the sharing of ideas, patience, rules, how to get along with others, including those from differing backgrounds, and respect for the property of others.


Seniors often experience a dramatic decline in human interaction due to the loss of friends through illness or death, a move to a nursing home, diminished eye sight or hearing, and/or a loss of mobility. They may no longer be able to drive their cars or easily visit with friends or neighbours. This is a definite precursor for loneliness, depression, and dementia. Having friends and family close by will keep them engaged, happy, and feeling like there is life yet to be lived. Living in a senior community can be a great solution for those that are still active. Being computer savvy can definitely be a blessing allowing them to stay in touch, share and save photos, be creative, and play games, despite a more sedentary lifestyle.


Around the beginning of the 21st Century, technology began to replace face to face connections for many addicted to their smart phones. Many chose to text, message, and email one another, while ignoring the people sitting right next to them, at the dinner table, at a restaurant, in their car, and even at a party. Others spent more time chatting with strangers on social media than with family and friends living close by. Studies indicate that obsessive users of cell phones may experience greater anxiety and depression.


Yet, as we navigate the “new normal” of 2020-21, we have found many creative ways of staying in touch without touching, even while social distancing, through the use of this technology. Online Book Clubs, Exercise Classes, Bridge and Canasta groups, Coffee Clutches, Meditation Workshops, Seminars, Webinars, Weekly family get togethers, Spiritual discussion groups, and more have sprouted where none existed virtually prior to March and have managed to keep us feeling connected.  Many of us have even figured out how to create a way of working online and, at the same time, staying in touch with fellow workers by email, text, ZOOM, and phone. In the short term, this has been a way to dispel the feelings of isolation during a pandemic.


But the question still remains. Can we survive on a permanent basis without face to face interactions, hugs, and time spent with the people who feed our souls? Is a virtual connection enough? Can we survive without other human beings to touch, hug, or connect with, physically and emotionally? We are, in fact, social beings, beginning from the moment we are born. Nothing can take the place of human connection and human touch. There is a wonderful quote by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”


NPP Related Webinar

Gilda By Line11

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