
Cancer – A Word Not A Sentence!

  • Addressing Root Causes
  • Evidence-based Nutritional Research
  • Understanding the Medical diagnosis and prognosis method
  • Simplified Guide to Healing
  • This seminar will focus on specific diet plans, targeted supplementation, cleansing and drainage support regardless of the path that the client chooses to take.
  • Helping you and your clients by sharing our combined wealth of 42 years of experience with healing diets and protocols!


In the last three years, we have had about 20% of our clientele coming in with Cancer issues, as opposed to the past with 1-3 cases per year. It is definitely on the rise. We are all pretty aware of the issue right now. Our focus needs be the Natural therapies. This will be a benefit to our clients. As a practitioner, what do you do when the client comes in with the diagnosis? How do we help our clients? The first thing is to really listen to your client. Hippocrates said that it is better to know the patient who has the disease than it is to know the disease which the patient has. Only by letting him say everything that he has to say and watching him while he does so will you learn who he is. This will give you the clues to the origin of the dis-ease. Do this with no judgement and no interruptions with suggestions. Everything he is thinking and feeling is okay. 


Presented By:

  1. Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP
  2. Marlene Marshall, CNP, ROHP, CHCP
  3. Gilda Rovan, BA, DIHom(Pract), ROHP

Includes printable PDF PowerPoint notes and a Continuing Education Certificate.

FEE: $35.00 CDN – With 90 days unlimited access
NOTE: Each of your webinar purchases will be located in your personal account. 
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