Ketogenic Diet for Cancer

Ketogenic Diet for Cancer

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Product Information

The Ketogenic Diet for Cancer

What is the research saying about the High Fat, Moderate Protein and Very Low Carbohydrates diet.

  • What is it & How Does it Work?
  • How do you put it together & Monitor Results?
  • What is the Research saying?
  • What are some of the concerns?
  • What is the comparison to other cancer diets?

In 1931, Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. In 1924, he proposed the hypothesis that cancer is a metabolic disease. The North American mainstream oncology world holds to the belief that cancer is a genetic disease. Dr. Warburg, in his studies, showed that cancer cells exhibit a preference for sugar, as fuel, in the absence of oxygen and acid wastes are produced. Malignant tumours feed on that sugar. Healthy cells use glucose too, or ketones, but they do it in the presence of oxygen. The Ketogenic Diet calls for the elimination of all but non-starchy veggies. So there are no potatoes, no rice, no pasta. No Twinkies.

Presented By:

Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP
Sue Skillins, CNP, CHCP, NNCP

Includes printable PDF PowerPoint notes and a Continuing Education Certificate.
Includes 90 days unlimited access.

Product CodeKetogenic Diet for Cancer
ManufacturerNutritional Preceptorship Program
Digital90 day subscription

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